
Showing posts from April 29, 2014

Great Futsal in a Small Town Sao Jorge do Patrocinio - Parana - Brazil Making Fifa History

Great Futsal in a Small Town  Sao Jorge do Patrocinio  - Parana - Brazil Making Fifa History  by FUTSAL CANADA  1st.  Developer Carlos Mateus  I have traveled many city in Brazil during the past ten years since I left Canada in order  to do a research on the game  of futsal that forms great  brazilian soccer players and most of them from small towns . In the city of  Sao Jorge do Patrocinio - 6000  people ,  Futsal is the major sports event, especially   at this time of the year,  as the temperature gets cooler , they all go inside to watch the home boys performing  I tried the perfect shot wt my tablet 10.1 Samsung,  but , that is all I got  Great skill  played on a solid finished cement court  and no major  injuries registered during   the twice a week tournament played by twelve teams Going into the playoffs  or semi finals the game got more entertain...