Futsal Club Toronto on the Road to Brazil
Penalty Futsal Ball in USA youth league was the right choice
I would like to salute the Futsal Toronto Club that will participate in the Brazilian Futsal Intercontinental Cup , to be held on the City of Erechin , Rio Grande do Sul. Brazil , from August 31st to 5th of September .
Penalty Canada is sponsoring the Futsal Club Toronto with Penalty Special designed shoes for futsal Max 500 , as well as practice balls - Penalty Max 1000 - same as the official game ball at the Futsal Intercontinental Club Cup in Brazil .
"Cheers and good luck to our Canadian team representative
The good old Canadian water
Futsal Ball Max 1000 the world's best futsal ball the official game ball of the Intercontinental futsal Club Cup 2015 Brazil
If you would like to more about the Brazilian Intercontinental Cup ,
copy and paste link
At the Brazilian international airport you may score