
Showing posts from March 21, 2008

Canadian Futsal History by Carlos Mateus

foto by Carlos Mateus Back Row left: GLEN JOHNSON, LES MALBON, DANNY HENRY, JIM DEGOUDE, DALAS MOEN & IKE MACKAY,  front row: ROB WALLACE, ROB WIILIAM, GARY SMITH DOUG MUIRHEAD, TIM ACHEZTNER &  BUTCH FOSTER   In 1984, Osvaldo Garcia contacted me in Nanaimo, In order to promote  futsal in Canada and USA, we decided to have the First North America Cup in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada.  However; in the event were two teams from Canada and two from USA. The two Canadian teams were from the Nanaimo League, were futsal officially started in Canada. The First North America Cup was a two day event, the USA team coached by Osvaldo Garcia, was supposed to be the USA National Futsal Team, and the Canadian Team coached by Ike Mackay. The other USA team was a pick up team from Oregon State, coached by a Brazilian fellow, and the second team from Canada, was a native team coached by Chief Jerry Brown of Nanaimo Indian Band. On Saturday, the USA ...


This is the first post of this blog about Canadian Futsal History. Enjoy it.