Futsal Pioneers .
Futsal Brasil CBFS Executive Durante Grand Prix 2007 em Joinville- Vice Presidente Affonso Covello, Presidente Aecio Borba and Futsal Catarinense Presidente Joao Carlos de Sousa. Futsal Pioneiros - Futsall Canada Fundador , Honorario Presidente- Carlos Mateus com Aecio Borba Vasconcelos- Fundador e Presidente da Federaçao Brasileira de Futebol de Salao CBFS Working together they moved Futsal Brazil and Futsal Canada from Fifusa to FIFA. Aecio Borba and Carlos Mateus have been around futsal before the foundation of the Brazilian Futsal Association- 1979. Futsal Canada was officially founded in 1983, just after the first futsal world cup held in Brazil 1982. Carlos Mateus and Aecio Borba met up in Brazil during the Futsal Grand Prix