Almir Neto - He man - Pure Soccer Talent from ICasa Fortaleza Ceara to Camboriu - Looking to play Football in Kuwait

Built to Strike Making FIFA History in Brazil Almir Neto the Brazilian Soccer player called He Man , is now wearing Camboriu Futebol Clube Jersey number 7 Interview online with Futsal Canada blogger Carlos Mateus' I met Almir fiance online - Waal Meneses on the Facebook looking for the Balneario Camboriu Radio Station , Television on line of the Camboriu games. in order to get to know about the game and of course the man she loves. I contact Almir and we start to talk over the Facebook chat , from that a blog was on the way . During our conversation Almir mentioned about the Camboriu Futebol Clube ,and his goal to go back play overseas . China , Kuwait or Qatar has beem good options for Brazilian Soccer players , but USA would be a great place to go play soccer. Three players to mark the He Man in the game between Avai vs Camboriu Almir was the man of the game VIP for the...