Futsal History Carlos Bittencourt from FIFUSA to FIFA

CBFS Carlos Bittencourt - Carlinhos ( C ) com FIFA President Joseph Blatter ( L ) and FIFUSA last President late Januario D'Alessio Neto in Zurich , during the meeting to move futsal from FIFUSA to FIFA. Definitely Carlos Bittencourt was the man behind the scene that did all the foundation lobby to get futsal were it is right now. He started the Liga Futsal with eight teams. Carlos Bittencourt after 45 years promoting futsal in Brazil , four terms as CBFS Vice President , Carlinhos was elected by a majority of votes to be the CBFS President in 2002. But due to internal Futsal Brazil -CBFS politics power struggling complications, he was on the CBFS president Chair for 24 hours., and Aecio Borba Vasconcelos , claimed victory after loosing on the secret ballot voting by all the Associations, Aecio was back on the saddle to continue to be the only president in CBFS History for more than three decades. Carlos Bittencour...