Nanaimo Judo Club - History of Judo in Nanaimo - Dojo Sensei Mateus
The Nanaimo Judo Club Dojo Should be Officially Named " Dojo Sensei Carlos Mateus "
Sensei Carlos Mateus in 1980 found the dojo Sanshiro Judo Club at the Giro Youth Centre producing fine black belts .
Sensei Mateus attending a request from late Sensei Joe McPeek shared and amalgamate of the dojo with the Nanaimo judo club, that was struggling to find a dojo after a flood on the building under the Queens nightclub - on China steps , damaged the club straw mats "
" Dojo is a family tradition - Usually a Black Belt when ready to coach judo he/she goes to a Neighbourhood and found it's own dojo to creating competition " the rest is History that can not be changed"
Futsal Canada Blog is not just about futsal , it is about sport and Judo is my first sport . I still brag about a gold medal that I won in the Brazilian National Judo Team competitions as well as have developed the Dojo that is now the home of Nanaimo Judo club - where I spent near two decades coaching judo with Canadian friends before moved to coach futsal at the international level- that includes winning for Canada the First North America Futsal Cup 1984 , beating USA in the final game - Canada Futsal 8 vs 3 USA Futsal and the Aboriginal Cup between Canada Vs Australia - Canada National Aboriginal Futsal Team won the best of three games series - played in Nanaimo, Victoria and Vancouver .
Judo is a great sport for kids - recommended
On the back roll club instructors and judocas that assist coaching at the judo club , some of them still competing at the provincial and national level abide by Judo Canada , Judo BC and the rules of the International Judo Federation .
Nanaimo Judo Club - pic by Rosi Silva
Top picture - Nanaimo Judo club Judoca Lucas Mateus with friends Tommy Holman and Hunter Hilley at the Nanaimo Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints - Mormon Primary School .

Sensei Carlos Mateus in 1980 found the dojo Sanshiro Judo Club at the Giro Youth Centre producing fine black belts .
Sensei Mateus attending a request from late Sensei Joe McPeek shared and amalgamate of the dojo with the Nanaimo judo club, that was struggling to find a dojo after a flood on the building under the Queens nightclub - on China steps , damaged the club straw mats "
" Dojo is a family tradition - Usually a Black Belt when ready to coach judo he/she goes to a Neighbourhood and found it's own dojo to creating competition " the rest is History that can not be changed"
Futsal Canada Blog is not just about futsal , it is about sport and Judo is my first sport . I still brag about a gold medal that I won in the Brazilian National Judo Team competitions as well as have developed the Dojo that is now the home of Nanaimo Judo club - where I spent near two decades coaching judo with Canadian friends before moved to coach futsal at the international level- that includes winning for Canada the First North America Futsal Cup 1984 , beating USA in the final game - Canada Futsal 8 vs 3 USA Futsal and the Aboriginal Cup between Canada Vs Australia - Canada National Aboriginal Futsal Team won the best of three games series - played in Nanaimo, Victoria and Vancouver .
Judo is a great sport for kids - recommended
On the back roll club instructors and judocas that assist coaching at the judo club , some of them still competing at the provincial and national level abide by Judo Canada , Judo BC and the rules of the International Judo Federation .
Nanaimo Judo Club - pic by Rosi Silva
Nanaimo Judo Club year end In Club Tournament . " We are proud of you son Lucas Mateus , You were the only one from the beginners class - Mondays and Wednesday to fight with the advanced ones of Tuesday and Thursday class judocas that have been competing at the Judo BC province level . Lucas won the first match with a Wazari 1/ 2 point before finishing his opponent with full point ippon Eri Seoi Nage" . Lucas started Judo in Brazil, but. Lucas has been away from competition for quite some time , Lucas Judo class on Mondays and Wednesdays is more for beginner and shiai - fight standing is not part of the program , but , Lucas shown that the judo technique he learned in Brazil works anywhere- "In judo we never stop learning from one another". - copy and paste the link below to watch Lucas first Judo contest in Canada with a Wazari and a Ippon just like his old man - Seoi Otoshi - right leg blocking and lifting the opponent. Nen'oshi
or You Tube
Lucas applying Seoi Nage in the gold medal final match - It was on a straight drawn with no repechase for the losers .
Lucas Mateus Seoi Nage earned his first medal at age of 7 years old
Lucas Mateus with Sensei Borba and friends of the Colegio Margirus Private School in Brazil - Judo Class is part of the Brazilian School program
Carlos Mateus daughter Michele in Nanaimo Judo 1980 pic.
Michele from Nanaimo went to Japan teach English before finishing UVIC - major in sociology
Michel Mateus , is now working at the Vancouver Parks Sport - Volunteer Coordinator
Michele Mateus is at the Royal Roads University studying for a Master's degree .
Nanaimo Judo Club Carlos Mateus - Black Belt Kodokan Judo Certificate -2nd degree
Trajectory of Sucesso in Brazil and Judo Canada
Kodokan Judo Nidan Diploma 1984 - Black Belt Second Degree
Judo Canada Coaching Certificate 1981 - I have to do my second level in 2015. as required by Judo BC

Jigoro Kano hand draw picture by Nanaimo Judo Club Judoka Mike Mateus.
Brazilian Navy School of of Physical Education / where I used to practice judo full time - Nage Waza randori and shiai from 8 am to 11:30 am and Katame Waza on afternoons 1: to 3: 30 pm . including Gym running the Cooper drill , weights and massage therapy. - Did that from 1968 to 1978 - member of the Navy Judo Team as well coaching The Navy Seals at my Base dojo.
Judo Coaching Diploma from Brazilian Navy Physical Education - Marine Corps Navy Seal Team Champion , area Rio de Janeiro - Head Coach Sergeant Carlos Mateus
Member of the Navy Team competing in the National 1969.
Coaching Association of Canada Member since 1981
Coaching Association of Canada Member since 1981

Place that I call my first
Dojo Home - Brazilian Navy Dojo
Nanaimo Judo Sensei Carlos Mateus in Brazil
Lucas Mateus age 7 - Judo in Brazil
Coaching Canadian Futsal National Team in Spain 1985 World Cup
Lucas Mateus Judo Classe at private school in Brazil
Canadian National Futsal Team
Lucas Mateus age 10 practicing futsal in Brazil
Carlos Mateus Juvenile Soccer Team in Brazil
Lucas Mateus wins gold
Rotary Club International award night
Judo Workshop with the Japan Sensei Kunitaka MatsudaCoach of the Beach Soccer Catarinenese Champions in Brazil
Coaching Judo in Nanaimo Parks and Recreation a program that led to Sanshiro Judo Club - there were hundreds of kids in the judo program . in the pic flying over kids to perform break fall - .DR. Darren Biggs - Dentist in Nanaimo -
In memory of Sensei Joe McPeek
Rosi presented with the Rotary International award for volunteer work and betterment in the City of Balneario Camboriu
Michele with My judo medals and a trophy
The Clubhouse home of Nanaimo Judo Club previous Sanshiro Judo Club
Belt gradding at Sanshiro Judo Club in Nanaimo

Sargento Fuzileiro Naval Mateus - Nurse by trade - but was mostly involved with the sports department and new recruit instructor.

Brazilian Navy Judo Team first time National Champion - I am in there - second from the right - front roll
Brazilian Navy Team getting ready for the big win ever in the history of the National Championships
" I was part of the winning team in 1976 my last competition wrapped up wit a gold medal

Before departure for the big win . I was in the 60 kilo division and won my first match accumulating point for the team .

front roll 6th there I was proud to win gold

12nd National Brazilian Military Judo Championship -
Free Randori during workshop addressed by Sensei Kunitaka Matsuda from Japan -
that was a 6 month going to judo school every saturdays full day -
Nanaimo Judo invitational tournament 80,s
Nanaimo Judo Parks and Recreation Program that led to Sanshiro Judo Club
Judo Canada for all Ages
Futsal that with canadian friends we developed in Canada , started at VIU or old Malaspina College in Nanaimo
First Futsal Canada Jersey sponsored by Umbro Canada of White Rock headquarter
1987 - In Australia with Charles Perkins - Aboriginal Secretary and Chairman of Futsal World Cup 1988
Canadian Women Futsal Team
In Brazil representing Canada at the FIFUSA to FIFA AGM
Enjoy the best of Brazil with son Lucas Mateus of course picture by Rosi
Judo in Brazil with lucas
Family Birthday party - Brother-in-Law Dr. Fernando , sister Rita, Marlene Rosi and I
with nephew Dr Alexandre Mateus - Oncologista - University Teacher
With Rosi at niece Claudia wedding
Futsal with son Lucas
growing with sports
Own newspaper in Brazil
Holiday with Rosi and Lucas in Brazil
Hometown Radio Camboriu sports talk show
Balneario Camboriu -Hometown Sunrise
playing soccer with the old timers in Brazil
Lucas with friend in our apartment building swimming pool
Brazilian women futsal
gold digger i Judo Lucas e is brazilian Buddy Joao
coaching beach soccer in Brazil
interviewing the best there was in Brazilian women Futsal
Unochapeco Women Futsal World Club Champions Brazilian -Interviewing National team coach Eder Papiolski , who was the coach champion again with the Brazilian National team at the costa Rica 2014
Futsal World Championships for women
Canadian futsal team 1984 - First North America Futsal Cup Champions - Futsal Canada 9 vs 4 Futsal USA
How it started in Canada
Rotary International member - addressing fundraising for sports
Futsal Masters doing homework - Paulista - Antonio Carlos Martins
New years beach party family Mateus Reveillon
In Nanaimo volunteer recognition - a tool to motivation
view from our laudryroom in Brazil
With friends at Beach Soccer nite Maior Vice prefeito Claudio Dalvesco
Unochapeco 5national cup - unbeatable
with the girl next door volunteer at the games
Lucas Mateus Futsal Coaches in Brazil
Canadia futsal team tour to Australia with Leo Beier founding member of futsal in Canada
some scrap book that tell the Canadian futsal History
Aboriginal Cup Team that beat the Australia Aboriginal Team in a 3 game series in Canada
that is yo playing on grass with the old timer in Brazil
Representing Canada in a technical conference in Brazil
Grand Prix2007
Back coaching Judo - recharging to keep on fight
Regognation is the tool of motivation
Judo diploma from kodokan Japan signed by Jogoro Kano Son .. not a big deal
living of love with Rosi and Lucas
well , Physical Education University in the city of Santos
go that way that i go this way
interviwing a Beaty Queen
With the Mayor of hometown Balneario Camboriu Claudio Dalvesco
Soccer ,Samba and fundraising
place that I call home in Brazil
Christmas time in Brazil with Brother In Laws Rodney and Lee Page
opening the goodies that came from Uk with Brothers Rodney and Lee Page
Ticket to coach
A raising star Renata addamari
best futsal ball
Renata Adamatti -met her playing beach soccer at age of 15.
Beach Soccer a new trend in Brazil
Some old Canadian buddies that assisted de development of futsal in Canada ,some still at it .
With Futsal Coach Zego who travel 26 country developing futsal
me promoting futsal and the Penalty Sports wear brand
me and son Lucas
Women Futsal at Brazilian College
Women futsal in Brazil - tight competition between the two power house city of Brusque Futsal
just an other day in Brazilian tropical paradise
At soccer game being interviewed
part of Mateus Family in Brazil Lucas Birthday Party
with futsal master Paulista - Antonio Carlos Martim
Lucas surfing scholl at my hometown Balneario
Lucas caching waves that led to his first surfing competition gold medal
Nanaimo Judo Club and Sanshiro Judo Club getting together in Nanaimo
Free Randori during workshop addressed by Sensei Kunitaka Matsuda from Japan -
that was a 6 month going to judo school every saturdays full day -
Nanaimo Judo invitational tournament 80,s
Nanaimo Judo Parks and Recreation Program that led to Sanshiro Judo Club
Judo Canada for all Ages
Futsal that with canadian friends we developed in Canada , started at VIU or old Malaspina College in Nanaimo
First Futsal Canada Jersey sponsored by Umbro Canada of White Rock headquarter
1987 - In Australia with Charles Perkins - Aboriginal Secretary and Chairman of Futsal World Cup 1988
Canadian Women Futsal Team
In Brazil representing Canada at the FIFUSA to FIFA AGM
AGM with FIFA president Joseph Blatter
Coaching futsal in Brazil - Margirus College
Judo in Brazil with lucas
Family Birthday party - Brother-in-Law Dr. Fernando , sister Rita, Marlene Rosi and I
with nephew Dr Alexandre Mateus - Oncologista - University Teacher
With Rosi at niece Claudia wedding
Futsal with son Lucas
growing with sports
Own newspaper in Brazil
Holiday with Rosi and Lucas in Brazil
Hometown Radio Camboriu sports talk show
Balneario Camboriu -Hometown Sunrise
playing soccer with the old timers in Brazil
Lucas with friend in our apartment building swimming pool
Brazilian women futsal
coaching beach soccer in Brazil
interviewing the best there was in Brazilian women Futsal
Unochapeco Women Futsal World Club Champions Brazilian -Interviewing National team coach Eder Papiolski , who was the coach champion again with the Brazilian National team at the costa Rica 2014
Futsal World Championships for women
Canadian futsal team 1984 - First North America Futsal Cup Champions - Futsal Canada 9 vs 4 Futsal USA
How it started in Canada
Rotary International member - addressing fundraising for sports
Futsal Masters doing homework - Paulista - Antonio Carlos Martins
New years beach party family Mateus Reveillon
In Nanaimo volunteer recognition - a tool to motivation
view from our laudryroom in Brazil
With friends at Beach Soccer nite Maior Vice prefeito Claudio Dalvesco
Unochapeco 5national cup - unbeatable
with the girl next door volunteer at the games
Lucas Mateus Futsal Coaches in Brazil
Canadia futsal team tour to Australia with Leo Beier founding member of futsal in Canada
some scrap book that tell the Canadian futsal History
Aboriginal Cup Team that beat the Australia Aboriginal Team in a 3 game series in Canada
that is yo playing on grass with the old timer in Brazil
Representing Canada in a technical conference in Brazil
Grand Prix2007
Back coaching Judo - recharging to keep on fight
Regognation is the tool of motivation
Judo diploma from kodokan Japan signed by Jogoro Kano Son .. not a big deal
living of love with Rosi and Lucas
well , Physical Education University in the city of Santos
go that way that i go this way
interviwing a Beaty Queen
With the Mayor of hometown Balneario Camboriu Claudio Dalvesco
Soccer ,Samba and fundraising
place that I call home in Brazil
Christmas time in Brazil with Brother In Laws Rodney and Lee Page
opening the goodies that came from Uk with Brothers Rodney and Lee Page
Ticket to coach
A raising star Renata addamari
best futsal ball
Renata Adamatti -met her playing beach soccer at age of 15.
Beach Soccer a new trend in Brazil
Some old Canadian buddies that assisted de development of futsal in Canada ,some still at it .
With Futsal Coach Zego who travel 26 country developing futsal
me promoting futsal and the Penalty Sports wear brand
me and son Lucas
Women Futsal at Brazilian College
Women futsal in Brazil - tight competition between the two power house city of Brusque Futsal
At soccer game being interviewed
part of Mateus Family in Brazil Lucas Birthday Party
with futsal master Paulista - Antonio Carlos Martim
Lucas surfing scholl at my hometown Balneario
Lucas caching waves that led to his first surfing competition gold medal
Nanaimo Judo Club and Sanshiro Judo Club getting together in Nanaimo
Nage no Kata with my sensei Yoshimasa Nagashima - 8 Dan from Japan .

With my mentor Sensei Yoshimasa Nagashima 8 dan - from who I learned a great deal of judo that came in his luggage from Japan .

Performing Nage no Kata with sensei Yoshimasa Nagashima who was 76 years old at the time.

Coaching Judo at Nanaimo Parks and Recreation / Sanshiro Judo Club .
There were 120 judokas in the program, divided in four classes - as well as coaching Judo in Cedar North Oyster School on Fridays 2 classes and on Gabriola Island Recreation Activity Centre on Saturdays .

At the Nanaimo Judo Club with my 11 years old son Lucas Mateus