Tulio Cordeiro : Beauty Queen contest in Balneario Camboriu - Futebol Jogos das Estrela in pro victims of rain flood in Mirim Doce City

Blumenau City Beauty Queen Michelly Francine Bohnen  is the New Santa Catarina Beauty Queen Reining in 2011. 

 City Blumenau  Queen Michelly Francine Bohnen

Tulio Cordeiro met up with Carlos Mateus in Brazil during the soccer all star game- jogo das estrelas , a fundraising event that brought together all the  the local Celebrities and Tulio is definitely one of the most known celebrity in the Brazilian  entertainment  industry. Google in Feijoada- Brazilian - do Tulio Cordeiro in Balneario, and see for yourself..  * Feijoada = Brazilian meal based on black beans  served for hundreds of  VIP quests.

Jogo das Estrelas : Tulio Cordeiro

Tulio Cordeiro was just one off the Brazilian celebrities, at the beneficent game of soccer, played in Balneario Camboriu, on Saturday - February 19, 2011. Tulio is a Director of the Santa Catarina beauty contest , that selects the beauty queens, as well as he works in television shows, fashion - searching for talented people for the clothing designing industry   and fashion marketing . Tulio brought his beautiful team of women  to shine in Balneario Camboriu- jogo das estrelas or all star soccer game, to raise funds to assist the people victims of the rain floods, in the city of Mirim Doce in the region of the Vale Itajai, Santa Catarina- Brazil.

Aline Zermiani Miss Santa Catarina 
The 23 years old Aline played futsal in high school- before get into the fashion business
University degree in Business Administration.
Aline Zermiani Born in Itajai, speaks Portuguese, English and Spanish.
She is the Province of Santa Catarina Beauty Queen 2010/11.
nice to have you in the futsalcanada.blogspot.com .


Why not show  to Futsal Canada  and to the world the best of Brazil.
But . If you would like to provide any kind of assistance to the people victim of the flood  in the city of Mirim Doce please contact the Mayors of the cities of Mirin Doce Maria Luiza or Balneario Camboriu Edson Piriquito-  just google in

Prefeitos :: Maria Luiza Kestring Liebsch city of Mirin Doce with Balneario Camboriu Mayor Edson Piriquito, marching in during the all star soccer game in pro  floods victims in the Cidade  Mirim Doce or   
Sweet Stream City  , province of Santa Catarina, Brazil.

City of Blumenau Queen Michelly Francine Bohnen
Interview by Futsal Canada Carlos Mateus in Balneario Camboriu ., Brazil during the Jogo das Estrela or  soccer all star game in 

Michelly at the age of 20 played futsal and soccer in junior high school- university student, Nutrition area , planning to visit Canada .

picture from www by Carlos Mateus in Brazil 

Futsal Canada Carlos Mateus in Brazil blogging   freelances during the fundraising event to save the city of Mirim Doce under rain flood.
At the Risca Faca Night Club the party was till the wee hours . all kind of people came to support the event sponsored by Wunder Bier, City of Balneario Camboriu, and the Riska Faca  

Football players  and spectators that were supporting the fundraising event, the  pictures taken by Guilherme Moro, at the Riska Faca  and at the  Balneario Camboriu FME futebol  field,   may be found at
Night e Cia blog... Just Google in "futebol das estrelas or look it at  .


Ana Tavares  from Icapui , Ceara, Brazil-  Living in Canada married ,  
 Ana  is the Mother of Maria Mcmanus- Highland Dancer   Ana  was in futsal at the Nanaimo women league-  coached by Carlos Mateus


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