How Futsal Can Help Soccer Players to Score Goals

Futsal Tips By Carlos Mateus 
Shielding  and wrestling in futsal 
Look at the picture it tells how to protect the ball and how a defender approaches to steal it from the player in control of the ball- first of all control the players by feeling his movement read his intention  .
this is one the first technique that one must learn to play the game . 
Learn about the use of the body into position before starting to tackle or foul the opponent .
Hands play a big part of the game as futsal is body contact sports. but it got to be done without pushing and shoveling the opponent.
Shielding the ball , keeping it away from the defender is a technique found in futsal, soccer and hockey - The man on the ball must have the full control of the opponent first , once that is done it will be easy to make the next move - 
this technique is usually done by  Neymar waiting for the support defender coming intwo man blitz,   then   he will make a pass back and move unmarked into the space left by the two defenders. But it got to be done with an athletic emotion with fast movement like in tagging games.. 
Brazilian kids usually take Judo lessons while engaged  in futsal in the grassroots programs  , that explains why they are not afraid of the body contact , and they do in such a away, that referees can read it as sports athletic moves and not a fouls.
 On the picture the two players are from the same team during futsal  practice.  In Brazil coaches will use this drill quite often starting  in a one on one to a more strategic situation , to gain from a slip move
Ask those guys on the bottom picture - how may times they did that....

Neymar , Pele, Falcao e Ganso  - futsal and soccer walking with hands together in Brazil
that should happen in Canada, USA, Australia,  England , Scotland , Ireland , South Africa, in all those countries that feel threatening by futsal taken over soccer.
In Brazil futsal helps soccer to have the world best players , weather you like it or not.
Who says that Xavi  - Barcelona is better than Neymar , is proving lil knowledge on the game..
It is easy to come up with nice sentences from college essays to describe the Xavi straight line playing technique. But here you have the world three best players  with the world best of them all.- Pelé

Ganso e Neymar ficam concentrados no Japão e Santos leva Falcão para fazer propaganda


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