Falcao Futsal Phenomenon - Exclusive Interview by Futsal Canada Carlos Mateus

Falcao Futsal 

Falcao Futsal World Greater Player that made FIFA History 
By  Futsal Canada Carlos Mateus 
Exclusive Interview in 2004 - City of Xanxere - Futsal Catarinenese  Malwee Futsal team coached by Ferretti - 
Born in Sao Paulo - Alexandre Rosa Vieira started to play organized  futsal at the age of 14 years old - that for some coaches it is a no no , as saying to old for the game , well Falcon proved otherwise  ! . 
 The nickname Falcon or Falcon -  came during his teenager to  reinforce his carater, determination and ability for the game of Futsal 

Of course the interview was done in the Portuguese idiom for the newspaper Folha do Alto Irani Sports  Page that I had the pleasure to work with while doing futsal researching in Brazil  from 2004 to 2014. Back in Canada I would like to pass some of the  information from this decade long Holidays   were  I  had the opportunity to meet new friends and master an other notch. in my belt

Lucas Mateus practising futsal in Brazil   coached by Terence Pereira - Program Fernando Ferretti ,  I spent  a couple of years researching futsal grassroots , compiling  enough material for the first Futsal Canada Book-  from history to how to play the game and have  fun during practice and enjoyment during games .


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