Futsal Canada 9 vs 3 USA Futsal - How Futsal Canada started in the 80's from Fifusa to Fifa led by Carlos Mateus

The pictures tells the history of Futsal Canada from the stardom 1985 -
nothing but the best players in Canada at that time , starting with Victoria West the best soccer team in Canada they won the first Canadian Futsal Cup and were the base of the first Canadian futsal team to challenge  a South American team in  Brazil  

futsal Canada first national team 

Futsal Canada in Brazil 1984 

 History of Futsal Canada by Les Jones  . 

born to coach with the winnig love for the game - Carlos Mateus in champion  of Beach Soccer provicial chapionships in Brazil during futsal sabatical
David Yates futsal cup 

Pictures  from the stadom 

Canadian Futsal representatives in Brazil during the 2007 Grand Prix 

Futsal Canada Coach at the first Futsal World Cup appearance  - Joe Cuzzetto scored the first ever goal by a canadian born at a world Cup of Futsal - i Have that on VHS tape . soon to be transferred do video 
Futsal Canada  daddy in Brazil with old timers playing on grass
Futsal Canada history
True History of futsal  in Canada 

Australia Futsal vs Futsal Canada  full house  at The Vanvouver Island University Gym
Futsal grassroots program coached by Carlos Mateus and Leo Beier of Nanaimo Futsal Club 

 Bottom picture Vancouver 86 at the West Coast Semi Pro Futsal  League 
Carl Valentine, Mobilio Brothers, Victor Montagliani,  Watson , Dan Lenarduzzi, Dolan , were on that team that goes on Fifa Futsal  History as well as Canadian Futsal history as the winner of the prize  as the first professional futsal team in North America
 Vancouver Island Selects at the West Coast Semi Pro Futsal League 
Vancouver Island Selected Futsal Team that played the final with Vancouver 86 .
Canadian Futsal Team in Australia 
Japan Futsal team at the Pacific Cup - Canada Futsal won the match 
Canadian Futsal Team meeting with Australia fusal 3 games series played in Canada 
USA Futsal Led by the Argentinean Coach during the Australia Pacific Cup 
In Austrslia Pic by Charlie Cuzzetto whom a shared a hotel room on Sidney King George Ave.
Aboriginal Futsal Cup  Australia vs Canada,  won all the best of 3 games - played the fnal Game in Vancouver
Official Letter Fifusa to found futsal in Canada 
futsal for tips free for ya 
Carlos Mateus son futsal grassroots in Brazil 
Futsal Canadagrassroots FIFUSA to FIFA led by Carlos Mateus - who attended the meeting in Sao Paulo 
Futsal Canada stardom at West Coast included Women and Men  side by side right from the beginning 

Carlos Mateus Interviewing futsal - Falcao 2003 in Brazil 
New Zealand Futsal team at the Australia 1987 Pacific Cup
Canada won the game .
Dave McGill and Elio Ciaccia in Spain , during Futsal World Cup 


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